"Asia's excess savings and current account surpluses allowed the United States to maintain excessive household consumption and huge current account deficit," Lee said. 亚洲储蓄过剩和经常账盈余给美国家庭维持过度消费和巨大的经常账赤字提供了条件。
A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems. 规模巨大的货币赤字和高的失业率仍然是最严重的两大经济问题。
A nation has a current account deficit if its national savings exceeds its investment in equipment and structures. 如果一个国家的国民储蓄超过该国在设备和建筑物上的投资额,那这个国家的经常账户就会出现赤字。
Its inflation is too high; its budget deficit, public debt and current account deficit are too large. 该国通胀过高,预算赤字、公共债务和经常账户赤字过于庞大。
The US has a current account deficit because the US national savings rate is very low. 美国之所以出现经常项目赤字,是因为美国的国民储蓄率非常低。
So even with a relatively low level of business investment and residential construction, the excess of national investment over national savings resulted in a current account deficit of 2.3 per cent of GDP. 因此即便企业投资和居民住房建设投资保持在较低的水平,国民投资超过国民储蓄也导致了经常项目赤字占到GDP的2.3%。
Since India has a current account deficit, it has to attract capital from the rest of the world. 由于印度的经常项目处于逆差状态,所以它必须从世界其他地区吸引资金。
A current account surplus increases a country's net foreign assets by the corresponding amount, and a current account deficit does the reverse. 经常项目顺差增加了一个国家相应金额的外国资本净额,;经常项目逆差则恰好相反。
As the US reduces its current account deficit, a transition in specialisation will have to take place. 随着美国削减经常账户赤字,在专业化方面必将发生一种转变。
The current account deficit may top 10 per cent of GDP, beaten only by mineral-rich Papua New Guinea. 经常账户赤字可能超过GDP的10%,仅低于矿产丰富的巴布亚新几内亚。
Because the current account deficit equals saving minus investment, these are logical places to look. 因为经常账户赤字等于储蓄减去投资,在这些方面去寻找原因是合乎逻辑的。
Investment in the US continues to offset a large current account deficit. 流向美国的投资继续抵消着巨额经常账户赤字。
The US growth rate will rise and the current account deficit will shrink. 美国的经济增长率将提高,经常账目赤字将缩减。
The economy runs a current account deficit and needs to borrow from abroad to finance its huge infrastructure programmes. 该国有经常账户赤字,需要从海外借款为其规模庞大的基建项目融资。
The US current account deficit would be reduced, and the Chinese current account surplus would fall. 美国经常账户赤字将减少,中国经常账户盈余将下降。
On exchange rates and the current account deficit, the meeting opened up possibilities without achieving concrete decisions. 在汇率和经常项目赤字问题上,会议没有做出具体决定,给这个问题留下了各种可能性。
The UK's true current account deficit may have been close to 7 per cent of GDP. 英国的真实经常账户赤字可能接近GDP的7%。
America's current account deficit is due more to bubbles in asset prices than to a misaligned dollar. 美国的经常帐户赤字更多是因为资产价格泡沫,而并非美元汇率偏离正确价值。
At the root of the dollar's decline is the view that the US current account deficit is unsustainable. 美元下跌的根源,是人们认为美国经常账户赤字无法持续。
Excessive consumption resulted in global imbalances such as the US current account deficit. 过度消费导致了诸如美国经常账户赤字等全球失衡现象。
Here is part of the explanation for the dollar's failure to collapse despite the burgeoning current account deficit. 这在一定程度上也可以解释,在美国经常账户赤字迅速扩大的情况下,美元始终没有崩盘。
Some analysts believethat the United States can run a current account deficit because theemerging LDCs are short of dollars. 有些分析家认为美国可以在经常项目上持续逆差,因为新兴发展中国家缺少美元。
Slower growth in the US could narrow its current account deficit, but this is not without risks. 美国经济增长的放缓,可能使其经常账户赤字收窄,但这并不是没有风险的。
China financed the US current account deficit by recycling its own surplus into US Treasury bonds. 中国用经常账户盈余购买美国国债,以这种方式为美国的经常账户赤字提供融资。
However the current account deficit is still expected to be close to 8 per cent of gross domestic product. 不过,希腊经常账户赤字预计仍将达到国内生产总值(gdp)的近8%。
With billions of dollars rolling in from commodities exports and Chinese investments, Mr Lula was able to start a credit-fuelled economic boom in 2009 and 2010 without having to worry about the current account deficit. 有了大宗商品出口和中国投资带来的巨额资金,卢拉达席尔瓦得以在2009年和2010年启动了以信贷驱动的经济繁荣,而无需担心经常账户赤字。
That is why the country is struggling with inflation rates above the euro zone average and with a widening current account deficit. 这就是其通胀率高于欧元区平均水平和经常帐户赤字不断扩大的原因。
The current account deficit is projected to remain at just under 10 per cent of GDP. 预计,葡萄牙经常账户赤字相对gdp的比率仍将处在略低于10%的水平上。
This generates low real interest rates and a widening current account deficit. 这致使实际利率处于低位,经常账户赤字不断扩大。